image 1: obverse and reverse of the coin |
image 2: crack line on the obverse |
image 3: crack line on the reverse |
A minor crack line on the obverse of the coin. Perhaps there are more lines due to cracks that cannot be seen with naked eyes. I need a microscope!
Wait! From the scanned image of the coin, I notice there is a crack line on the reverse too! See image 3.
After being pointed up by Mr Dickson, I now realized that the crack is in radial form. Most die cracks that I have encountered before is either radially inward or outward.
Hi mnfaj,
Haha, these dies might have been working too hard.
Thats good news for error collectors.
Thanks a lot for sharing, mnfaj :)
suatu usaha yg cukup teliti...tahniah
Hi whycollect,
Thank you for visiting.
terima kasih, ini sebahagian daripada hobi sahaja. hehe
Dear mnfaj,
Well,well,well,a very unique Die Crack in circular form,not easy to come by in UNC condition!Very nice.
Hi Mr Dickson,
Thank you so much for the comment, if according to you this is quite not usual type of error, then I must say I must be very happy then. When I first discovered this coin, I am thinking to discard them as the crack is very minor, but then, now I should not think only about the severity or degree of the error, but the nature of the error. Thanks Mr Dickson for your guidance.
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