image 1: obverse and reverse of the coin |
This is a 5 Sen coin, dated 2006 which has a
curved clipped planchet error about 2% located at 9.30 o'clock on obverse.
This error happens when a coin was struck on an incomplete planchet. It is possible to have curve-shape clip, straight clip, and ragged clip. Several numbers of clip can take place on one planchet. Size of the clipped area and number of clip are the main factors of how interesting the error coin is.
There are several ways to identify whether the clipped planchet is an original due to missfed blanking machine or a post mint damage due to cutting.
- Examine the area opposite directly to the clipped area - An original clipped error will cause this area to have weaknesses, especially at rim's area. This effect is called Blakesley's Effect. Refer to image 2
image 2: weaknesses of opposite area of clipped area due to Blakesley's Effect |
- Examine the letterings of legend near to the clipped area - Sometimes extreme fishtailing can be observed. Refer to image 3.
image 3: fishtailing of alphabet "L" |
- Examine the detail near the clipped area - Especially at rim's area, those area near the clipped area will have the fade away effect.Basically the rim will taper off into the clip. On a fake clipped coin, the detail will just come to a sudden end. Refer to image 4.
image 4: tapering on the rim |
- Examine the clipped end - A genuine one never show a raised edge of metal, which indicates shearing and the details bordering the missing metal should not be crispy. On a thicker coin, sometimes the clipped end appeared to be like have been bitten, producing two-layers-like edge.
This clipped coin was discovered among these coins. Can you guess how many pieces of coin are there? Hint: those coin fills up the whole cooking gas tank over there.
image 5: hoard of coins, belongs to GSK. |
It's quite a feat to find that single gem in that sea of coins; it does need a keen eye (and keen interest of course!) although, it troubles me to read "those coin fills up the whole cooking gas tank". Don't tell me a gas tank was used to store the coins, although it does seem nothing bad had happened when the gas tank was presumable being emptied for the purpose lol.
Hi Soleha,
Sorry to inform you that, yes. That blue cooking gas tank used to be the sanctuary for those coins. An operation equal to a heart bypass operation for human, in term of its complicatedness, was done in order to get all those coins out from that tank. Haha thinking to come out with a post featuring those operations. Thank you for hopping in :D
woww banyaknya syilingg......
Pastikan tiada error yg terlepas pandang..hahaha
Depankanta agak bila saja syiling siri ke3 mula beredar,orang ramai akan mula pecahkan tabung dan masukkannya kebank2,itulah masa terbaik utk kita buat tawaran tukaran duit,syiling2 dari tabung biasanya lebih berpeluang utk kita menemui yg bergred tinggi spt UNC/BU
Terima kasih banyak2 mnfaj...
Hi mnfaj,
Wow, thats really a feat.
You must have spent lots of time scavenging through the huge hoard.
Our salute to you, mnfaj.
Keep it up :)
This is the answer for the mystery of our missing coins.Our Mint keeps producing these eight to ten millions coins every month.None of these coins come back to the branches of the BNM.Where do they go?
Now you know lah!Haha!
mnfaj.please tell us your experience after your "treasure hunting",see how close is your statistic matching mine?
Hi mnfaj, depankanta and Dickson,
Even an automatic searching machine looses to all of you, hahaha.
Yehaw, keep going :D
Hi whycollect,
Actually I am hoping I was the one who get the chance scavenging those sea of coins. But unfortunately this huge hoard belongs to my friend. Thank you :)
Hi Mr Dickson,
Haha, don't tell me there are other people out there who are also keeping coins at this quantity too. Maybe in a not too distant future it is an offence to keep coins without using them. I will try to get a statistic from my friend.
Hi everyone,
Correction here, that blue tank is not a cooking gas tank. It is a refrigerant R134a gas tank. :)
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